
Chiropractic care can be beneficial for children in a number of ways. Here are some reasons why parents might consider taking their child...

PELVIC FLOOR -To Kegel or Not: That is the Question!
Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction (PFMD) can include both overactive and underactive muscle problems, and sometimes the infamous Kegel...

Shoulder Pain?
How to Fix Your Shoulder Pain by Leanna Taggio, PT Does your shoulder hurt when you lift it above your head? Does is hurt when you sleep...

The Stages of Healing and The Role of Physio
The recovery time for injuries can vary depending on the time frame since injury, the severity of the damage, the location of the injury, an

Are your periods driving the steering wheel of your life? Are you peri-menopausal or past menopase a
Find out what's ACTUALLY happening with your hormones with the DUTCH TEST. What is the DUTCH test? It's a dried Urine Test for...

Waking Up To A Dead Arm
Good morning, dead arm. Have you ever woken up with your whole arm feeling like a dead weight or with numbness and tingling in your hand and

Your Work Environment May Be Hazardous To Your FEET!
Your feet can take a pounding in the workplace. The daily demands of your job-walking, standing for long periods, lifting, jumping on and of

Hips Don't Lie
On a daily basis, we all use the same fundamental movement patterns to pick up objects from the floor, to squat, to sit up, to lift, and to

You, Me, and Dr. Google
Calf pain? Back spasms? Numbness? Headaches? What is the first thing that you consult before going to see a professional healthcare provider

Physical Activity Vs. Exercise
What actually constitutes as exercise? Are all physical activities considered exercise?

Apple Cider Vinegar - What is it Good For?
How to and not to use apple cider vinegar. Is it good for you?

5 Naturopathic Tips for Arthritis
Want to help your arthritis naturally? Here are 5 tips by Dr. Anne Hussain, ND

How Imbalanced Are You? The Problems With Hockey Players
Just because you play hockey and can do tricks on skates doesn't mean that your body is balanced. As with any sport, hockey players are

Want To Get Better? Go On Vacation!
Do you want to get better? Then go on vacation!

Say Goodbye to Allergies for Good!
Get rid of your allergies naturally!